Continuous Improvement

Saas Audit
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Bigstock Business Financial Business A 257018269

Continuous Improvement (CI)

Continuous Improvement is an ongoing process of improvements within an organisation. CI get linked to a change management process which enables the organisations to identify, document, approve and implement changes.

According to some authors, four Principles of Continuous Improvement are:

  • Stop fixing and start improving
  • The best practices are the ones you already have
  • Changing behaviour is more important than changing processes
  • If you aren’t failing, you aren’t trying

BC360 provides a cloud-based SaaS tool that any organisation can use to raise or identify an Opportunity for Improvement. Furthermore, they can add selected CI to a Risk Matrix for easier reporting. Risk Matrix is a tool that is part of the BC360 suite of apps. We offer both 2D and 3D views of risks.

Users can add new Continuous improvements from within the CI module. At the same time, they can add them from any self-paced Audit Report that the client generated using BC360 Audits (Business Continuity Audit, ICT Audit, Privacy Audit).

Our CI module allows users to

  • View Own, Logged, Associated, On Hold, Closed and older than 30 days
  • CI Dashboard
  • CI History
  • Print CI Details and History
  • Multiple Dashboards
  • Part of BC360 Framework
  • Month-by-month subscription
  • Unlimited number of CI’s
  • Includes 3 users with an option to add additional users

Is your business ready for a Continuous Improvement? Do you have a Response Plan?

Check out our Response Plan checklist and see how prepared are you.
Business Continuity Plan 360 | ICT Audit and Consulting.

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